Sunday, November 6, 2011

Daylight Savings Time

 Spring ahead and Fall back. That's the way we remember how to change the clocks.   Last night we turned the clocks back one hour.  Daylight Savings Time was implemented years ago in order to help the farmers get one extra hour of  daylight.  Many of us use it today, as a reminder to change the batteries in our smoke detectors twice a year. 
  I remember using it with Matt to clean out his toy box.  We called it "getting ready for Santa".  I told him that we needed to make room for new toys.  It was a good way to take inventory, throw away broken toys, and give away those in good condition.  It also gave us an opportunity to talk about the wish list for the upcoming holidays.  I got a pretty good idea of what he still played with, as well as what he might need to add to his collections.  There is nothing worse than getting a toy you already have.  It's also a waste to buy toys that will be too young for them now.  Once we did the toys, we moved on to stuff like books, clothes, snow boarding equipment, boots and ice skates.  It was great to have a list when aunts and uncles asked for a practical gift idea. 
  In the spring, we did the same routine, and called it getting ready for his birthday.  Spring cleaning always seems like a lot of work.  I decided to spin it, and make it fun. Somehow, making room for new stuff always got more cooperation.  It was a win-win.  I felt like I had a handle on each year's favorite items, and we passed things on while they were still popular.  I believe that favorite things get to stay around longer, and we have boxes of treasures that will stay packed for now. 
  This fall, I will go through closets, and storage shelves in the basement.  I don't know how things collect, but I do know I feel better when things are organized.  My system is easy, and puts things in three catagories.  I will either give it away, throw it away, or put it away.  It's always good to have some ideas for things to do on rainy weekends.   The beat goes on.... and the beat goes on.....

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