Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone

   Yikes!   What a whirlwind!  We've had a busy two days, and I forgot to write my blog when I got back home last night.  I called my folks in Florida, and then called it a night.  We started our celebration this year on  Christmas Eve with my family.   We met in the afternoon for appetizers, and began to prep the dinner. We attend an early Church sevice together, then have our feast.  Next, we do gifts,  coffee and dessert before we're done.  All of this takes about eight hours, and there's even  some Patriots football thrown in for good measure. 
  Christmas day is spent with my husbands relatives.  Talk about eat, drink and be merry, we made the rounds!!  Dinner at one house, and dessert at another, and a Celtics game in the mix!  I love that we get to see almost everyone from both sides of our families.  The last place we gathered, there were ten kids under ten years old,  three dogs, and parents to match them all!!  I sat back, and took it all in...and just tried to hear a little bit of all the different conversations.  We look forward  to seeing the cousins from out of state,  and to see how much the kids have grown since we all got together last!!  We've been married for 35yrs, and a lot of these kids have grown up right before my eyes.  The "little cousins are now in their thirties, with kids in elementary school.  I comment about time flying, as we determine that something happening more than ten years ago, seems like just yesterday.
  I know that I'm lucky to live close enough to celebrate holidays together, and probably luckier that we all get along well enough to hang out for a whole day. 
You know the commercial...cost of gifts $$$, cost of gas and grocieries to make it all happen $$, the sound of twenty-five of my closest relatives laughing and having fun...priceless.....
All the blessings of this Holiday season.....Happy New Year.....Enjoy the week everyone..and the beat goes on....the beat goes on....

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