Sunday, June 2, 2013

Wild Weather Rocks the Midwest

   I cannot believe that Oklahoma and Missouri have been hit with more devastating tornadoes.  People from those areas hardest hit have to be reaching their breaking points.  Homes have been destroyed and neighborhoods leveled.  Those of us on the east coast can only watch in horror as live newscasts cover the storms.  Our hearts ache as we see and hear from folks who have lost family and friends, as well as their homes.  It seems that we are talking about "storms of the century" and "storms of a lifetime" every few weeks lately.  I am convinced that climate change is a contributing factor, because while it cannot cause every storm, it definitely makes things worse.  It's time to work on finding some common sense solutions that will help to save lives and our property.  I know Americans are strong and resilient, but there must be a better way of dealing with killer storms.  It's a lot to ask that we just pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and rebuild time and again.
    In New England, we have gone from "drizzle to sizzle" within one week.  Last weekend, upstate New York got 34 inches of snow, and northern New Hampshire had more than one foot of snow.  The rest of New England got rain that lasted several days. This weekend we were locked into hazy, hot and humid weather, with temps hitting the 90's!  Memorial Day weekend, we had the heat on, and this weekend we are melting.  Even with air conditioning, it's uncomfortable.  The temperature changed by forty degrees withing twelve hours.  Last Saturday, I made soup because it was raining and raw, and I could not get warm.  Five days later, we are digging out our bathing suits, and pulling the cover off our swimming pools.
    Memorial Day is the unofficial beginning of summer, and this year has seen both ends of the weather spectrum.  This week will be more seasonable with lots of sun, and temps in the 70's.  It will be a nice relief for New England.  Do we dare to complain when we see others dealing with so much more?  I think I'll consider myself lucky, and enjoy  each day as it comes.....and the beat goes on....the beat goes on......

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