Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Father's Day

   I wanted to give a shout out to all the Dad's and wish them all a Happy Father's Day!   I hope you all took the time to thank the Dad's in your life, and acknowledge their love and hard work through the years.  I think every parent likes to hear that they did a good job, and it really costs nothing to say thanks.
  We had a hectic weekend with a graduation on Sunday morning, and a celebration on Saturday.  My folks are visiting from Florida, and so we try and have as many meals together as possible while they are here.  People always comment when I say that I'm cooking for fifteen of my closest relatives, but there were only twelve for dinner  last night.  We had spiral ham with all the fixings. I used my crock pots to keep things warm, and it worked great.  There were lots of funny cards and silly stories, and it is always hard for me to keep up with all the conversations at once.  We all have a lot of good memories, and we know we were blessed to have a Dad like ours.  He was always there for us and kept his sense of humor through it all the drama of life.  Even now, they just "go with the flow".
   It's always good to see my dad, and it's remarkable that they have the energy to cram so much into a two week visit.  I hope I am able to do as well when I am in my eighties.  They have made the rounds in three different New England states, and had visits with all their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren that are living within driving distance.
   Tonight we will do it all over again, except that we will get pizza delivered.  I am excited to use all the appetizers and desserts that have been accumulating in my fridge.  My mom would call them must-goes because she needed to make room for the next big meal.
    Our dog Bruno has behaved pretty well through all the festivities, although he is determined to get into my father's lap when we watch TV.  The only problem is that the pup now weighs about fifty pounds, and is too big and heavy to be a lap dog.  He is snoozing as I type this, but it is almost time for a walk, so I gotta run...and the beat goes on.....the beat goes on.....

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