Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Roses Are Red
Violets Are Blue
Sending Special Mother's Day Wishes 
To Every One of YOU!

Just a quick post to wish all the moms a very Happy Mother's Day!
Hope the year ahead brings you all a lot of joy!

Many of us have one child, and plenty of us have two or more.  I'd like you all to take a few moments to put your feet up and enjoy some of your best memories with your children.  Today let's decide to focus on the positive things in our lives, and leave our troubles behind for a few hours.

Some of us have pets who we consider to be our four legged kids, because they give us unconditional love.  Enjoy them today and everyday!   Be grateful to always have good company!

If you are alone today, please call someone and plan to go for a walk, or out to meet for lunch, or just talk for awhile.  Please try and make the most of your situation today, and not be sad or angry.

It's important to accept all that we cannot change, and summon the courage to change what we can.  These words are part of the Serenity Prayer which ends with the words "and the wisdom to know the difference"  ......and the beat goes on...the beat goes on........have a good week everyone......

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